Accessibility for educational games is a work in progress across the industry. We continually seek solutions to make our products fully accessible and we strive to adhere to established standards for accessibility and usability on each new project. Some of our older products may not be accessible in all areas, and have not been optimized for current accessibility recommendations. Here, we offer the content and approach of this game, so that learners are better able to find alternative content and ways of learning.
Scientific Graph Reading is a web-based interactive, which contains multiple interactive lessons designed to show how to read and analyze scientific graphing data. This learning interactive demonstrates the value of being able to read and plot scientific data on a graph, as well as using the graph data to analyze growth or deterioration over time.
Users explore how to read scientific graphs in an interface that uses a mouse or trackpad and keyboard. The module requires mostly mouse or trackpad clicking and a few instances of typing using a keyboard. For example, the end of the module contains an option for questions that require typed answers. However, the user could still use the module without completing those questions.